Why do glass and plates dry up in the dishwasher but plastics don’t?


You know how plastic tupperware cups always have drops on them when you take them out of the dishwasher? The plates and glass have long since airdried. What is the properties of plastic that does that?

In: Chemistry

4 Answers

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Mor original comment was auto removed because it was too short…..now I have to write a longer reply about heat retention and how that makes the left over liquid steam away…..

Ok. So plastic doesn’t hold heat very well and as an added bonus is a lot more porous than porcelain, as you can see if you heat tomato sauce in a plastic container.

So while your dishes get washed they heat up and hold some of that temperature. When the washing stops, the residual water “steams” away- think hot asphalt, sprinkle water on it…dries quickly. Put tarp over it, sprinkle it, fries but slower.

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