Why do home sellers prefer a “cash” buyer? Wouldn’t they get the same amount of $ as a check from the bank if the buyer has a home loan?


Why do home sellers prefer a “cash” buyer? Wouldn’t they get the same amount of $ as a check from the bank if the buyer has a home loan?

In: Other

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Wouldn’t they get the same amount of $ as a check from the bank if the buyer has a home loan?

Your answer is right here. If you will be getting the exact same amount of money, why won’t you take the money in available cash right away? Why will you choose to purposely wait for a loan to get approved?

At the least, you have to wait several more days and delay the finalisation of the sale. At worst, their loan application gets denied and you don’t have a sale and gotta start all over again.

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