Why do horse hoofs need so much care, and why do they need horseshoes?


Wild horses seem to get by just fine without people caring for them. How does all this care make their hoofs different/better than if they stayed natural?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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It is my understanding that the “frog” (the soft part in the center of the hoof’s bottom) acts like a pump that helps with the animal’s blood circulation in the leg. Shoes arbitrarily attached for the wrong reasons can cause more problems than they solve.

IMO, the only thing more overdone than the things people do to (not for) a horse is the amount of clothes they buy for a Barbie doll. A horse is a herd animal that grazes constantly and uses flight when in danger. So let’s put him in a 15′ x 15′ stall by himself, where he can’t flee or react to strange noises or danger, feed him twice a day, and then wonder why he’s cribbing the stall walls. Get him a psychiatrist … the owner, not the horse.

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