Why do horse hoofs need so much care, and why do they need horseshoes?


Wild horses seem to get by just fine without people caring for them. How does all this care make their hoofs different/better than if they stayed natural?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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It’s all about environment. Wild horses run on all sorts of terrain and they’re allowed to run as much as they want. So they naturally toughen up their hooves while also trimming them down.

Horses in captivity are typically on grass, so their hooves are more susceptible to cracking, which is why people nail horseshoes into them. It makes them more tough. Also, since they don’t get to run on harder terrain, they don’t file down their hooves (which are kinda like big fingernails tbh). If a horse in captivity is neglected it can get [out of hand.](https://imgur.com/a/q6ChnX4)

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