Why do houses have shingles and slanted roofs, but most other buildings have flat tops?


Why do houses have shingles and slanted roofs, but most other buildings have flat tops?

In: 8443

20 Answers

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Despite what you think, all roofs are angled.

Slopes and shingles are a style choice, and work well over short distances. However, to achieve the same effect over large distances would leave you with a roof nearly as tall as the building itself.

When you have a large area, it is MUCH better to have a slight slope with tarp and gravel. The structure needs to be stronger but that issue starts with holding up a building that large anyways. A little more near the top to support the weight of snow is hardly an issue when you consider how much you save on large cathedral roofs.

TL;DR. They are not flat, they are slightly angled and use material that does well at that angle.

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