Why do houses remain upright when they are floating off their foundation?


Here is a video where the house remains upright: https://reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/gvzt1e/landslide_in_northern_norway_3rd_of_june_2020/

I figured that the house would have a high center of mass.

In: Engineering

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I guess it would depend on the house? So yes, some will, but image it kinda like a giant floaty square with something on top, the mass isnt high enough to make it flip

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t, at least not for very long. A house is still a rigid structure, but if the ground moves around underneath it it’s gonna come apart eventually.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The house isn’t floating off its foundation in the video, the whole landmass is being sucked into the water, along with the house’s foundation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In short, things only flip over when either they’re pushed from one side, or the center of mass is outside of the base of the object.

That house didn’t flip because the force was super close to the base so it wasn’t enough to topple it, and the center of mass was still within base of the house vertically so it wouldn’t fall over.