Why do humans enjoy puzzles (i.e. figuring things out)?


Why do humans enjoy puzzles (i.e. figuring things out)?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Theres a bunch of good answers here so I’ll just add that its what our species and some other apes enjoy (not limited to apes ofc, any clever animal)because in the wild “puzzles” reward us with difficult to reach foods like how to crack nuts, find burrowed insects etc

Anonymous 0 Comments

The sense of accomplishment is your body squirting happy hormones. It’s a positively addictive thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans enjoys/ get adapted towards literally all the things …

I think you know about 21 days rule …
Where if a person involved in something for more than ~21 days then they will be interested towards it.. ( Depends on where there is family support, and financial support and also kinda physical support ) ..

Humans also enjoy those things which were looking very rude to them in past..

Puzzle ( where you are saying figuring things out) consist allmost all the works we do, from how to play football like great footballers to how to become a good hacker…

You have also noticed that a person who is not interested towards the given topic get intrested quickly after sometime ( if society is supporting him/her ). ex – many celebrities doing drugs..