Why do humans get sexually aroused when seeing other members of our species naked/copulating (porn of course)? Do animals do that as well?


Why do humans get sexually aroused when seeing other members of our species naked/copulating (porn of course)? Do animals do that as well?

In: Biology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve been told humans are not naturally monogamous. It would have been very natural 20.000 years ago for us to see people fucking, get aroused, and get in line. I’ve been told a the evolutionary benefit is that this way nobody knows who the father is so everyone takes care of everyone’s baby like their own.

Another piece of supporting evidence is the shape of our penises. It’s shaped like a cum plunger to get your gene’s competitors out of the way and give you the best shot at being the baby daddy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m fairly uneducated about it but been enjoying the book Sex at Dawn which goes into this.
It talks about the potential ways our closest ancestors mated, discussing that we may have been a tribal group with frequent copulations with many members leading to ambiguous paternity (which helped to bond the tribe to full parental duties to all children). Females would be loud and obvious in their pleasures and take multiple partners at a time (makes a little sense when you think about how ready to go girls are post orgasm opposed to men). The frequent copulations would entice others to join increasing the genetic chances for the best in the sperm competition.
Idk I’m doing it poor justice,but everything’s well cited and fairly compelling. If your interested in the subject I highly reccomend the book.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on what you consider porn. Vision is one of the most dominant senses if not the most dominant sense to humans. In other animals this isn’t so. So porn could be a smell or a sound to other species. And these sounds and smells, especially pheromones , are def used in breeding programs across the board. That being said if these techniques are applied outside said animals natural breeding cycle you are wasting your time and confusing the animal. So not as effective all the time as in humans but can be effective at the right time for sure

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans are also a species where you can’t tell whether or not someone is ovulating by looking at them, which has made our sex drives grow to be a lot more complex.

For animals, the evolutionary strategy to reproduce effectively is “have sex when the female is in heat” or “have sex during mating season”

For humans, the evolutionary strategy to reproduce effectively is “have sex often so that one of the times you have sex it makes a baby.” So somehow people need to be convinced to have sex regularly, or we would barely reproduce.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Its due to the mirror neuron in our brains. We tend to see ourselves doing the things that we see others doing. This is why people get excited when watching sports despite not playing.

If I’m wrong, then that really explains my grade in psychology right now.

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