Why do humans need sunscreen, but animals, with or without fur/feathers, do just fine without?


Seriously, a bad sunburn could limit our ability to survive in the wild. I’ve had a few so bad I could barely move and I had a super high fever. Desn’t that happen to animals? How do they manage?

In: 31

37 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hey OP as a person who used to get sunburns especially bad ones and just shake it off like it’s no big deal let me tell you to take this serious.

I got a super bad sunburn when I lived in Florida and five years later I was one of the few people that developed melanoma on the spot where I got sunburned. It was on my back and the only reason I spotted it was because a mirror happened to be facing another mirror that let me get a good angle. I still put it off thinking it was nothing. I got checked and the doctor told me it was melanoma and I got surgery the next day. It was .2 MM from being stage 2.

They’re starting to see more young people get melanoma these days with tanning beds and people with fairer skin moving to the sun belt. It’s getting deadlier as people at the age I got it (26) are not even looking for it.

So to all my fellow fair skinned people. Please take care of your skin. Limit outdoor activities during high UV months to later in the day, wear protective UV resistant clothing and sunscreen.

Thankfully mine was found just at the right time and I just got away with my back all scarred up like a horror movie from the surgery and the bad sunburn.

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