Why do humans need sunscreen, but animals, with or without fur/feathers, do just fine without?


Seriously, a bad sunburn could limit our ability to survive in the wild. I’ve had a few so bad I could barely move and I had a super high fever. Desn’t that happen to animals? How do they manage?

In: 31

37 Answers

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A lot of the answers to “Why do humans need [sunscreen/clean water/ other safety improvement] but animals can do without” essentially boil down to “Oh, no, animals absolutely can’t do without it any more than we can. They just don’t have access to [safety improvement] and tolerate a much higher death rate because of it”. For many animals, this is another one. Several animals can and do get sunburned, but as long as it doesn’t stop them having kids then, well, that’s just part of life as far as evolution is concerned.

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