Why do humans need sunscreen, but animals, with or without fur/feathers, do just fine without?


Seriously, a bad sunburn could limit our ability to survive in the wild. I’ve had a few so bad I could barely move and I had a super high fever. Desn’t that happen to animals? How do they manage?

In: 31

37 Answers

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Many animals without fur or feathers can get sunburned too. Thats pretty much why hippos are nocturnal and spend so much time in the water.

They adapted their behavior to prevent that. Other animals like rhinos or elephants have very thick and tough skin thats a darker color. Animals will often use mud or dust to coat their skin too.

We adapted to produce more melanin closer to the equator. The reason people in the more extreme latitudes ended up white was because their diets were lacking in vitamin D and the lighter skin color helped us get it from sunlight.

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