Why do humans need sunscreen, but animals, with or without fur/feathers, do just fine without?


Seriously, a bad sunburn could limit our ability to survive in the wild. I’ve had a few so bad I could barely move and I had a super high fever. Desn’t that happen to animals? How do they manage?

In: 31

37 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I hear you. The reason this is a question is that society is still so skewed toward a designer led evolution system. The Great Architect is the proposed religious answer to reconciling god and genesis.

You have to change your mode of thought – its not that its advantageous or that nature designed us or we “adapted” — its just that it didn’t kill us.

People with fair skin, like Northern European redheads – wouldn’t have survived in sunny climates. But because they didn’t have to, they/we didn’t die out. Its not just about what made you successful but if it wasn’t something that stopped you from not procreating, then it doesn’t matter.

An example is male pattern baldness, heart disease, etc. If the condition occurred after the possibility of producing off-spring, then the genes will survive. Obviously, if the condition was so severe, that families couldn’t raise their off-spring that would have an impact.

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