Why do humans need sunscreen, but animals, with or without fur/feathers, do just fine without?


Seriously, a bad sunburn could limit our ability to survive in the wild. I’ve had a few so bad I could barely move and I had a super high fever. Desn’t that happen to animals? How do they manage?

In: 31

37 Answers

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Aside from the fact that animals can get sunburnt. I think the core of your issue is that you were suddenly exposed to a lot sunlight while you were completely not used to it, if you slowly adjusted to it instead of suddenly spending a lot of time in intense sunlight while you never did that before, you would have probably been much better off.

Human skin gets darker/lighter with exposure to sunlight, as well as people evolved lighter/darker skin corresponding to the region they were living in.

Take these two factors into account, and it wouldn’t hinder them as much, cause they would be used to it, and have also evolved the skin color to deal with it.

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