why do humans stumble over words when talking too fast

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I’ve seen it in myself and peers that when we start to talk faster (especially when it’s something we’re pationate about) that our words get jumbled into a mess and we have to slow down, why?

In: Biology

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Talking is physical movement of many parts of your body. You are shaping your vocal cords, your lips/mouth, your tongue, and passing air a certain way. And this is all working in concert and shifting and changing in myriad ways. 

So if you go too fast, your brain can’t send signals fast enough and your muscles can’t respond in perfect timing. So things jumble. 

Even moreso if inebriated, which is why drunk and high people tend to flub more than a sober person too.

Also, some people are just better at this skill than others. Some people can talk fast while enunciating and it’s easy. Other people struggle to talk even at a normal pace.