Why do humans wanna jump from high places?


Standing in a shopping mall looking down to the floors below and think to myself. “Jump” In no way do I want to kill myself but when I brought this up a lot of my friends had been through the same thing. Ive started to see memes about it online. So what’s up? [jump! ](https://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2018/06/0629_reddit-void-main-1000×1425.jpg)

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

L’appel du vide, literally “the call of the void”, is a French phrase used to refer to intrusive thoughts or the urge to engage in a destructive behavior during everyday life. Most commonly reported examples include thinking about swerving into oncoming traffic while driving, or feeling the urge to jump off the edge of cliff while overlooking from one.

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