Why do humans wanna jump from high places?


Standing in a shopping mall looking down to the floors below and think to myself. “Jump” In no way do I want to kill myself but when I brought this up a lot of my friends had been through the same thing. Ive started to see memes about it online. So what’s up? [jump! ](https://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2018/06/0629_reddit-void-main-1000×1425.jpg)

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are called “intrusive thoughts”. They are thought to be as a way your brain creates fear of something you shouldn’t do: you see a height, you think about jumping, then you think about yourself splatting on the ground, the result is you don’t do it and gradually you developed a mild fear of height, which increases your chances of survival.

Think of it like a simulation your brain runs to see if something is doable.

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