Why do hunters wear camouflage if they’re also wearing fluorescent? Don’t animals spot them instantly with their hi-vis gear?


Why do hunters wear camouflage if they’re also wearing fluorescent? Don’t animals spot them instantly with their hi-vis gear?

In: Biology

11 Answers

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Different animals have different color spectrums that they can see and the thus you have to wear different stuff when hunting them.

Animals like Elk and deer react to smell and sharp/quick movements so there’s really no reason to have camouflage clothing while hunting them. They are also mostly hunted by multiple people at the same time (where I’m from) so having vibrant colors makes it more safe for hunters in the same area to see each other.

I know of a guy that wore a neon pink one-piece/ mechanics suit for every yearly elk hunt and he shot as many elk as any other hunter.

Birds on the other hand react to colors more strongly since they have a wider color spectrum than us humans. When hunting birds where you’re shooting them while they’re sitting in a tree you don’t want to scare them and want to blend in with your environment as much as possible. This type of hunting is usually done during winter when birds can’t feed on the ground because of snow so hunters usually wear snow-colored coating over their clothes.

There are tons of more explanations for different animals and different hunting styles.

TL:DR different animals have different color spectrums and there for call for different clothing and when multiple hunters hunt at one time safety is chosen over looking tactical.

Source: Swedish hunting education.

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