Why do insects continue to infest areas that are routinely fumigated? Why aren’t they put off by the dozens of other dead insects/lingering poison? Do they have no self-preservation?


Why do insects continue to infest areas that are routinely fumigated? Why aren’t they put off by the dozens of other dead insects/lingering poison? Do they have no self-preservation?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hundreds of thousands of insects die each day. It is a simple fact of life. They reproduce so quickly and so numerously that they aren’t really concerned with self preservation, they are driven more by the instinct to eat and breed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Insects don’t have nearly the mental processing power to see an insect laying on the ground and know that it is dead, and then jump to the conclusion that they could also die from being there. That requires a *lot* of logical thinking which insects simply don’t have.