Why do lakes not just seep into the earth?


To explain further, what stops lakes from simply seeping into the dirt, and thus vanishing? As a follow up question, what stops water from getting evaporated, and then the clouds move somewhere else and rain, thus depriving the lake of the water it lost?

In: Earth Science

16 Answers

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The ground is like a sponge, it can soak up water but once the sponge is soaked it can’t soak up any more.

Put the sponge in a tub the water can’t escape through the sides and the excess water pools on top.

The ground under lakes is at saturation point so can’t drain any more (or at least at a rate faster than water is being added by rivers).

If you’ve ever had a lot of rain in your garden you see this in miniature. The ground becomes really wet (to the point you can squish water out by walking on it) then if it keeps raining you can get puddles in the middle of your lawn.

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