Why do lawmakers not show up to vote on bills they don’t like, instead of just voting no?


Only particular example I have: in a recent budget override attempt in Alaska’s state gov 22 representatives didn’t show up to vote in support of the veto override

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To be clear, in the specific instance you cited, what happened was that Alaska’s legislature passed a budget, and the governor vetoed it. Like most legislatures, the Alaska legislature can override the governor’s veto; somewhat uniquely, the Alaska legislature requires both houses to sit in a single body to override, and requires a 3/4 majority to override because it was a spending (appropriations) bill. Since 22 was more than 1/4, they couldn’t override (so quorum isn’t an issue in that case).

As to why, I see the legislature is part time, so potentially at least a few didn’t want to leave their jobs for the special session. Otherwise, the other comments about not wanting a veto on your record and the like applies.

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