Why do live TV hosts experience delays when talking to reporters on the scene?


Like, it’s the current year, if I fire up Discord, Skype or even FaceTime I can talk to or video message people on the other side of the country with close to zero lag, as if they’re right here with me. Still, when I watch TV sometimes I see that there’s a delay in the communication between the host and the reporter on the scene, even if they’re in the same city.

– So, we have Jim on the scene to bring us the newest news
– [camera focuses on Jim, 3 weird seconds passes]
– Oh yeah, John, we’re here with Ms. Davis who lost all her belongings on the Godzilla attack…

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could some broadcasters have a little delay built in for editing purposes in some cases just in case something happens that they need to blip out??? Like in an interview or after the Super Bowl “costume malfunction “ with Justin and Janet. Didn’t some bigwig guy say they were going to go back to some 8 second delay since that happened??? Or did I just dream that?? Now I’m going to have to google it. Lol

Edit: Okay … I didn’t dream it. Haha!! For halftime and pregame shows, NFL has implemented a five second delay. I know this isn’t exactly what you were referring to. I apologize for the bunny trail.


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