Why do men bald far more frequently than women? Is there a particular catalyst or anything?


Why do men bald far more frequently than women? Is there a particular catalyst or anything?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Testosterone makes people go bald, and there’s a part of men’s bodies that produces a lot of testosterone

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s related to testosterone, which men have more of. Enzymes in male bodies convert testosterone – the principal male sex hormone – into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is what makes hair shorter and thinner.

Men can vary with the amount of receptors on their head for this chemical, which is why there’s variation. Asian men also have less receptors, so there’s less male pattern baldness for them.

After menopause women have less estrogen and the testosterone they have will start to have more effect, so you do see women getting more bald by hair becoming shorter and thinner – but it’s happening all over the head, not just at the front, so it’s less noticeable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s inherited on the X chromosome. It’s not a dominant trait, but the Y chromosome has nothing to counter its effects. Also testosterone.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Its due to hormone differences. Some men can start producing a type of hormone women can’t and it makes hair fall out because reasons.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a specific gene that can make you more likely or less likely to go bald (called male pattern baldness even though it can also occur in women), and this gene is stored on the X chromosome. Just to make it easier to imagine, let’s say that if the gene is red (dominant) then you will likely not go bald, and if it is blue (recessive) then you likely will. Not only that, red is much stronger than blue so you only need one red gene and your body will ignore the blue gene completely.

Men only have one X chromosome so they only get one chance for a red or blue gene. Women have two X chromosomes so they have two red(25% chance), one red and one blue(50% chance), or two blue genes(25% chance). Out of those options they would need two blue genes to be more likely to go bald.

Other than that, there are different juices (hormones) that send messages through your body so it knows what to do. Men have more of one juice (testosterone) than women and that specific juice makes you more likely to go bald because it makes the base of your hair shrink and become less healthy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

DHT, type of testosterone. It accumulates in the scalp of the head and destroying hair follicles. The older the man becomes, the more DHT is produced. Or let’s say it is normal distribution during the life of a man.

Not all men have enough of DHT in their body or receptors in their scalp.. So it varies.

There is a good subreddit r/tressless for this topic.

While women can have the same receptors but not enough of DHT.

Proof that DHT is responsible can be seen with trans people. F to M tend to lose hair. Or M to F, their testosterone is supresed; they tend to get their hair back.