Why do mixers interfere with old tube TV signal?


As a kid i remember always watching the tv get a distorted signal whenever my mom was using the mixer. Why is that?

In: Technology

3 Answers

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A mixer is basically a fair-sized electric motor. Electric motors work in various ways, but they all utilize rapidly changing electric and magnetic fields. They tend to be “noisy” in terms of how much stray electromagnetic radiation they emit. And radio is just that, electromagnetic radiation. (In the case of radio, a color that is so deep red that our eyes can’t see it.)

Radios and TV can pick up these signals if the mixer is close enough, and try to turn them into video/audio. Of course, that doesn’t work well.

If a mixer is very close to an old CRT TV, the magnetic fields can directly impact the operation of how the tube gun shoots electrons at the screen. But it typically would need to be fairly close for that to happen.

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