Why do most deep sea creatures look like they’re hell-spawns?


Why do most deep sea creatures look like they’re hell-spawns?

In: Biology

15 Answers

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To add to what others have said: In some cases like the [Blobfish](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/in-defense-of-the-blobfish-why-the-worlds-ugliest-animal-isnt-as-ugly-as-you-think-it-is-6676336/), they actually have a somewhat normal appearance in their extreme deep sea environment under 1800psi of water pressure. When they’re brought to the surface at 15psi of atmospheric pressure they turn into a gross blob. You wouldn’t look so hot exposed to the vacuum of space either, and that’s 120x less of a change in pressure than poor ol’ blobby.

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