why do most teenagers or middle schoolers go through one of those “awkward” phases? What is it about the age and physiological place they’re in?


why do most teenagers or middle schoolers go through one of those “awkward” phases? What is it about the age and physiological place they’re in?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what I’m reading in my developmental psychology book is they body is growing and maturing at at different rates. Their corpus callosum (the part that joins the two parts of your brain together) is thickening and becoming better at moving info. Their amygdala( emotional processing home base ) and limbic(emotions feel good spot) develops much quicker then their prefrontal cortex( judgment and wise decisions section). The part of their brain that helps them make proper decisions literally isn’t developed yet but the part of the brain that makes them irrationally emotional is fully developed . So they are usually bat shit crazy lol.i think rapid growth.

A rapid amount of growth in a short period of time is difficult to adjust to

I hope this helps

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