Why do movie / song covers have their date in Roman Numerals?


e.g: Copyright MCMLXXXIII

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two possible reasons:

– Inertia. It has always been like that and they just haven’t bothered to change it.

– To confuse some viewers about the real age of such media. Like a way to disguise the real age. They make it difficult for viewers to determine exactly how old the show is. This one is from a book, [Imponderables by David Feldman.](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNT2RiatVspDeZL8CaB_O_ZOqfeV9w%3A1567955164964&source=hp&ei=3Bh1XeHIOJC2tQWZkqGQCA&q=Imponderables%3A+The+Solution+to+the+Mysteries+of+Everyday+Life&oq=Imponderables%3A+The+Solution+to+the+Mysteries+of+Everyday+Life&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.3..35i39j0i22i30.3395.3395..4458…1.0..……0….2j1…….8..35i362i39j46i362i39.IhrXLqeF1F8)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because whoever is creating those covers think it looks better. There’s probably no legal requirement for them to use roman numerals if that’s what you’re wondering.