Why do my Cheerios in milk act like magnets with different polarities causing them to repel or attract each other?


Why do my Cheerios in milk act like magnets with different polarities causing them to repel or attract each other?

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

posts like these are too specific to be genuine =. You probly watched that famous youtube video with vsauce or someshit where they talk about this phenomenon that you’d otherwise never heard of or notice. Then you come here asking this specific ass thing literally with the specific same cereal even used in the video to farm post karma for asking a ‘good question’

You know it, op, I know it. Everybody knows it

This is like me asking “how come when you throw life savers at the floor at high speed with the lights off it makes a blue shock visual”. SUREEEEE, you TOTALLYy didn’t just watch that. Everyone notices life savers making electricity when you smack them on the ground in the dark!

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