Why do nutritionists and psychiatrists say sugar is poison for the brain & body? What does it do?


Why do nutritionists and psychiatrists say sugar is poison for the brain & body? What does it do?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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Psychiatrists – Sugar (and manufactured/ processed carbohydrates) acts on the brain like an addictive drug. You end up in mild hypo and hyper glycemic states, constantly being an “up” after you’ve come down. Depression, mania, suicidal thoughts, general content are truly affected by sugar and carbohydrates.

Nutritionists(who are worth their salt) – sugar and carbohydrates spike insulin. The simpler the sugar/carb, the faster it spikes. It sends your pancreas into overload, trying to counteract all the glycogen in the bloodstream. Over time, you end up with insulin resistance, and if you don’t reverse it, later comes Type 2 and Type 3 (dementia) diabetes. Insulin resistance can be found in Western or westernised humans as early as 5 years old. T2 diabetes by teens, and dementia by your 30s.

While it’s a popular notion to say that the brain only functions on carbohydrates, studies, and tens of thousands of people are out there right now, proving that to be false.
I’m one of them.

Before I cop any hate for this, I was super obese 3 years ago. A BMI of 54. It was beyond the upper limit of the most recently added obesity category. I was seeing specialists, psychologists, a psychiatrist for a while, and even had weight loss surgery (laparoscopic gastric banding, to be precise) in a span of almost 2 decades, and I was still a BMI of about 45 2 years on. I counted calories, limited fat, and had a “balanced diet” according to the food pyramid. I was suicidal at *my* failure each and every time. I finally found out that the failure wasn’t mine, and it was “the system”. I didn’t discover the science behind carbohydrates and their affect on the whole body, until well into a ketogenic diet. And I’m still learning more, each day my husband watches a new video on the channel “What I’ve Learned” and each time “Low Carb Down Under” post a new conference video, I learn more and more about the affect of carbohydrates on the body. And it saddens, angers, and amazes me, each and every time.

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