Why do our attention spans and imaginations decrease/change with age?


When I was younger, I’d boot up Jak II or III on my PS2 and be able to play through imagined scenarios for hours, day after day. If I lost interest, I could simply do it in another game. I’m sure most of us remember being able to play pretend games outside that were absolutely riveting. Flash forward 10-15 years and I’m no longer able to entertain myself for very long with things that have loads more possibilities than some PS2 platformers or my backyard. What changed? Can I get it back? I’m very bored.

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You get better able to use complex cognitive skills and better able to cope with life events with age. The fundamental simplicity of the game is boring compared to real life where the outcomes arent just a matter of practicing the same eye hand movements and familiar rules of engagement.

Make something with your hands. Really listen and talk to people. Read a classic book that requires abstract thinking. I know, same old same old…but that is because it is true.

Anonymous 0 Comments

hasn’t changed for me, 26 and still think of scary things that make me run across a dark room at night, just have other scary things on top of it like taxes or covid

Anonymous 0 Comments

I dunno. I’m almost 40 and will lose hours and hours to Rimworld. Maybe you just need some better entertainment.