Why do our bodies get spine-tingling “chills” or “emotional shivers?” What are they?


Why do our bodies get spine-tingling “chills” or “emotional shivers?” What are they?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re talking about the hairs on the back of your neck rising, that’s essentially your brain getting some signal that there is danger. It tells your body ‘hey something up, let’s hit that fight/flight response just in case’. So your body starts priming to run, or fight. You stop digesting, blood flow increases, and all.

If your talking about shivering after hearing a ghost story (while it not cold) it’s a similar reaction. Sense danger, get spike of adrenaline to prepare for flight/fight.

If your talking about those random, intense, full body shivers that seem to come out of nowhere, it’s a misfire. Electricity zapped the brain wrong and it poured too much sauce. No biggie!

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