Why do our hands sometimes just ‘feel’ dirty. It’s almost like there’s a layer of dirt on your skin that you can feel, even though nothing is visible to the eye.


Why do our hands sometimes just ‘feel’ dirty. It’s almost like there’s a layer of dirt on your skin that you can feel, even though nothing is visible to the eye.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it’s just a thin layer of sweat on your hands.

I tend to get that when I’m hot and not so much when it’s cold..

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually, throughout the day your body is making either sweat or oil or both come from your pores, even if you can’t feel it. This collects dust/dirt/particles in the air. The thin layer of dirt really is there, its just so thin it’s not visible. Wash your hands regularly!