Why do our nails grow?


Why do our nails grow?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To preface, I’m no expert for sure but I believe it’s the same idea behind your hair. It’s old cells being pushed out of your body along with keratin, the stuff that makes your hair or nails “healthy.” The question you’re asking could also be interpreted as “what’s the reason we have nails/the point of them growing” evolutionarily I assume it’s for protection along with functionality. Like the way animals use their claws, to scratch threats but also to dig or kill their food. Not sure if this was helpful but hope so!

Anonymous 0 Comments

To compensate for wear.

It’s not that much of an issue today but nails used to be really important tools for our ancestors, and it also let monkeys move around in tree more easily, giving structure to the fingertips.

If they were not growing, they would be too short really fast. today it is less of an issue, however we can all be thankful a broken nail is not a surgical emergency