Why do our phones die almost instantly when they are at 15 or 10% battery?


Why do our phones die almost instantly when they are at 15 or 10% battery?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

[This chart will explain it.](https://batteryuniversity.com/_img/content/discharge_voltage_of_lithium_iron_phosphate.jpg)
The chart shows lifopo4 batteries, but modern li-ion and li-poly batteries are very similar.

Batteries will generally have a pretty flat power curve, then fall off at the end.

Source – I work at a battery company and [Cadex is a great source of knowledge](https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_measure_state_of_charge) and we use their battery analyzers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They dont, if yours do then you either have a rly shitty battery in it (probably some Deacent dendrite build up)

Or you are running very old software that is not capable of accurately calculating your power consumption and / or energy density.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lithium Ion batteries have a “memory” and a minimum voltage, if they go below 15-10% there is a chance that they will be below the voltage, and when that happens standard chargers can’t excite the chemicals in the right way to start producing a recharge.