Why do people drink milk instead of water after eating really spicy peppers?


Why do people drink milk instead of water after eating really spicy peppers?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It has to do with the capsaicin in the peppers (the spicy part). The fat in milk or any dairy product has the ability to encapsulate the capsaicin and allow it pass from the mouth making it feel cooler quicker. If water is used it actually just spreads the heat around. Capsaicin is fat soluble not water soluble.
Hope this helps. I’m a food scientist.

Edit: capsaicin not capsicum. Thanks

Anonymous 0 Comments

Milk is one of the only basic liquids humans drink regularly and spicy food is usually very acidic, so that balances it out.

Others note the capsaicin and fat. Could be.