Why do people feel cold while their body temperature rises during a fever


Why do people feel cold while their body temperature rises during a fever

In: Biology

4 Answers

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My mum (a nurse) explained it to me like this when I was a kid: when you have a fever, your brain will set the thermostat of your body higher so your body gets to the right temperature to fight the germs.

As long as your body has not reached the temperature your brain has decided it should be, you will feel cold and your body will make sure your temperature rises to match the thermostat’s setting.

When the temps match, is when you feel slightly better (not hot/cold but sorta alright, temperature-wise).

Then there is usually a moment where your body is like “well, that was enough, time to turn the thermostat down!” Then you’re gonna be HOT and sweating so your body temperature falls to the thermostat setting your brain decided on.

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