Why do people say it’s bad when you sleep during the day (and stay up all night) if you’re still getting plenty of sleep?


Is it because it doesn’t fit in with most work schedules?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s an evolutionary thing actually. obviously, we didn’t have lights or any form of illumination during our early homo years, besides the light that the sun gave us, and the respective reflected moonlight. it took us a few thousand years (evolutionwas *verrryyy* slow) to “master” fire, but by then, it was already in our blood to be active during the day, where we could see better, so, our survival activities, such as hunting and building abodes were “assigned” to daytime, and resting was automatically regulated to the darker hours. so, the majority of activites take place from morning to evening, thus most people are adjusted to doing things in daylight. plus, it kinda makes more sense, no? doing things in today’s world would be much more effective when the sun is up rather than at night, unless you’re a night owl. in all honesty, it doesn’t matter when you sleep, as long as you’re getting enough. adjusting may affect your sleep schedule, though, since it’s in our genetics to sleep at night and wake during the day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t fit with most people’s schedules, especially when they depend on you or your schedule creates a conflict.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some statistics say that the normal sleep cycle is sleep at night and be awake during the day.