Why do people say that its dangerous to pump gas while your vehicle is running?


I have never turned my vehicle off while pumping gas in my life and have yet to have an issue. Especially coming from a Northern state where it gets pretty cold you see a lot of people doing the same thing. What is the potential risk or is it all just a myth?

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39 Answers

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Even ignoring the whole gas station aspect for a minute, idling your fuel injected gasoline engine unnecessarily is bad for:
Your fuel injected gasoline engine.
Your health.
Your bank account.
The environment.

Factoring in the gas station, yes, you could start a fire. There’s also a risk of your car deciding to leave without you (gearshift gets bumped, parking pawl fails, what have you); not very likely, but even less likely if the engine is off.

Regardless, as others have said, I’ve never seen anyone leave their engine running while gassing up, even at negative temperatures plus windchill. I’ve also never seen any of those same people freeze to death. Just follow the law and wear a coat, idk

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