– Why do people spend so much time in jail awaiting trial?


I keep hearing about people in jail for 3+ years awaiting trial. If they’re ‘innocent until proven guilty’ I dont understand why they are confined. I thought there was a right to a speedy trial also or is that not really the case?

In: 235

43 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well everyone is assuming America, but did you know there are other countries?

In most places, Judges decide if you have to stay in jail or can be released on bail. This will depend on how risky they deem it (like if you’re a potential serial killer? you stay in)

The reason you then have to wait depends on

1. how many trials there are to do first – maybe there’s not enough lawyers or court space, and sometimes trials go on far longer than people expect
2. the prosecution and defence need time to do their jobs properly! unlike how TV shows it they have to find the evidence and plan their arguments well in advance, this might take *ages* especially if it’s a complex issue.

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