Why do people tend to be grossed/creeped out my some insects more than others?


I feel like a lot of people who are freaked out by spiders are less freaked out by crickets or beetles. While millipedes and centipede and spiders tend to gross people put because they can be poisonous, people know that cockroaches aren’t poisonous, but see them as repulsive.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are scared of what they don’t know. Most people can’t tell what insects are dangerous or not. It’s safer just to avoid them. Like me, I’m scared of snakes. I know some snakes are harmless but I don’t know which are. Is better for me just to run away and scream like a little girl. And cockroaches aren’t poisonuis, but they are dirty. They can anything be them to spread.

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