Why do people twitch in their sleep? At what sleep stage does this happen?


This is usually the giveaway as to whether someone has entered some form of sleep, rather than just resting with eyes closed. What sets off the random, brief and occasional twitches?

In: 35

4 Answers

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Researchers are still not 100% sure of what causes hypnic (short for hypnagogic) jerks, which are a type of myoclonus (involuntary (no control over) rapid muscle contractions). It’s hypothesized that these involuntary jerks are due to brain misfires during stage 1 of sleep or during the transition from stage 1 to stage 2 sleep.

The same area in your brain responsible for the startle reflex/response, is also responsible for hypnic jerks and other myoclonus, which leads to the theory that as your muscles relax when you fall asleep, your silly brain misfires and interprets the muscle relaxation as “oh no, body free-falling”, so your brain sends a signal to one of your body parts (usually an appendage), causing that body part to twitch, sometimes violently.

Stimulants, such as caffeine, stress, sleep deprivation, and intense exercise prior to sleep can increase the chances of experiencing hypnic jerks.

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