Why do people who have accents while speaking, seem to lose them while singing?


Specifically, when singing in English, their speaking voice is accented, and their singing voice isn’t… As an example, I came across an Irish Youtuber named CallMeKevin, and he recently posted a cover of NIN’s “Hurt”. His voice is lovely, and he often sings snippets of songs while streaming, but as soon as he starts singing, his accent seems to drop off. I’ve noticed this for other artists, too. Can anyone tell me why this happens? Or is it just my perception?


11 Answers

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Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day sings with a British accent. He explained that he was influenced by British music so it just comes out that way. That’s a good enough answer for me.

Different parts of the brain for speech and singing.

For more a more in-depth, fascinating, rabbit hole on the topic, I highly recommend “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain” by Oliver Sacks.

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