Why do plastic surgeries get “botched”?


As in, with more extreme procedures, why is it that they sometimes go horribly wrong? Is there some element of luck, or surgeon incompetence, or something else entirely?

And if it’s one of the first two, then why is it still popular, even among people that aren’t *obsessed* with perfecting their body?

In: 2

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Expertise comes from practice.
Whenever you want to have any surgery done, you should make sure the surgeon is a professional.
Let’s say you want to have a nose surgery. Not the only but one of the most important indicators of a professional surgeon is always the number of specific surgeries he is performing per year or has performed in his career. If you are living on the countryside and go to the next hospital that offers “nose jobs” but you find out they perform only 8 per year, this is definitely not where you should go.

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