Why do professional camera-people take single or rapid burst shots of the event they’re photographing, instead of using a high quality video camera and selecting the best frame later in edit?


Why do professional camera-people take single or rapid burst shots of the event they’re photographing, instead of using a high quality video camera and selecting the best frame later in edit?

In: 5

8 Answers

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Video cameras are built to take extremely rapid photos and will therefore have to do some compromises. The CCD needs to be built differently so they can transfer the data out fast enough, the shutters have to be electronic instead of mechanical, global shutters are harder to do at speeds, etc. And this have an impact on the image quality. So to get a high quality image they take single pictures with cameras designed for this. The shutter on these cameras are usually slower then the finger of a fast photographer. And taking images manually do give them the chance to do adjustments of the framing or focus between the shots instead of while the shutter is open.

However the cameras today are capable of helping a lot in these situations if they are set up correctly. They can be configured to take bursts automatically and even change the settings a bit between each shot themselves. So the cameraman presses the button once and the camera takes a short burst with varying settings as fast as it can. This usually ends when the image buffer becomes full and the camera needs some time to transfer the images to its storage.

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