Why do programs (like games for example) crash when overloaded? Why cant it just keep processing the code but updating less often?


I.e how Minecraft usually crashes if you explode too much tnt at once.

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2 Answers

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That has a bit to do with your own Computer specifications. Minecraft is a CPU loader, in that meaning being it depends mostly on it. Think of it this way:

If you play a sandbox game other than minecraft, ex: garry’s mod, if you place so many entities in said sandbox (This being TNT), it begins to place a load on your CPU/GPU. There’s a certain line depending on how powerful your said CPU/GPU is, but when that load becomes so much, you lose more and more FPS and stability. Once it overloads, Say after the massive amount TNT entities explode and all the particles show up, the game recognizes it, and crashes to avoid damaging your components.

This is similar to if you try running your CPU without a CPU fan. The CPU heats up so much, that your computer then shuts itself off to avoid that damage.

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