Why do remote controls use infrared light instead of other wavelengths?


Why do remote controls use infrared light instead of other wavelengths?

In: Technology

14 Answers

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The [top answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/brqi1n/eli5_why_do_remote_controls_use_infrared_light/eofqlgi/) already covered this a bit, but I want to expand upon one thing.

Some early remote controls, like the “Flashmatic”, worked by having a photosensitive receiver at each corner of the TV screen. You would control volume or channel, respectively, by shining a light on one of these.

The problem here may be pretty obvious: a stray sunbeam, a reflection off a watch/glass/mirror, or just some asshole with a flashlight can now flip through your channels or max your volume and there’s nothing you can do.

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