Why do restaurants ask how you like your steak cooked?


I’m always confused as to why it is only steak where the restaurant asks how you want it cooked. I mean, when I order chicken, fish, pork, and other types of meats, the waiter doesn’t ask me how I want well-done I want it cooked, but for some reason they do that for steak? Even other forms of beef products don’t get this kind of treatment. Nobody asks how well I want a hamburger cooked, or the beef slices in beef noodle soup. So why is steak special in the regard?

In: Biology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because beef and certain other meats (duck, lamb, some game meats) can be safely eaten at different levels of doneness. Bacteria generally can’t penetrate to the inner layers of the meat, so it’s ok. The exception is ground beef, which should be cooked to a certain minimal internal temperature, since the grinding process mixes the meat around. For things like fish, pork, or chicken, there can be bacteria and parasite throughout the meat, so you need to full cook it to the proper internal temperature to be sure that it’s safe.

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