Why do restaurants ask how you like your steak cooked?


I’m always confused as to why it is only steak where the restaurant asks how you want it cooked. I mean, when I order chicken, fish, pork, and other types of meats, the waiter doesn’t ask me how I want well-done I want it cooked, but for some reason they do that for steak? Even other forms of beef products don’t get this kind of treatment. Nobody asks how well I want a hamburger cooked, or the beef slices in beef noodle soup. So why is steak special in the regard?

In: Biology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Both chicken, fish and pork have common parasites and bacteria with humans. So these needs to be cooked well to be safe to serve. Similarly ground or cut meat could have been infected by bacteria or fungus on the surfaces where they were cun and therefore needs to be well done as well. However steak and other big pieces of beef is more or less safe to serve raw as long as you just heat the outside of it. But this is where different tastes comes in. The more rare the steak is the jucier it is however it is also less tender. As you cook the steak it both dries up and becomes more tender. Different people likes it differently which is why they ask you. But for other kinds of meat there is no other safe option then well done.

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