Why do rockets launch in an arc, and not just go straight up?


Why do rockets launch in an arc, and not just go straight up?

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13 Answers

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You ever see those coins well things at a mall or something you’d put a coin in and it spins around the outside, slowly falling down? See image [here](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XTipCQxJ6Ak/maxresdefault.jpg)

Now imagine the center hole is instead the earth, how do you get a coin spinning around the well? Pushing it up just makes it come back down. If you launch it at an angle, it would make a sort of arc, whole spinning around the well a couple of times. Now imagine at the top of that arc, the coin accelerates again. Now its just moving in a circular path around the well, never falling down towards the center (assuming fiction isn’t a thing, which is true in space)

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