Why do rodents use wheels?


How do they see a wheel, check it out, recognize it as an exercise machine (or whatever they think) and then decide to use it regularly?

How do they first learn about it and why do they keep using it after that?

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They climb inside things, so when they find the wheel they climb inside it. They see that it moves and decide to run in it because they like running.

It really is that simple.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How does the human do up to a trampoline, check it out, and then decide to use it regularly?

It’s fun 😀 at least I guess so lol I ain’t a rodent after all

Anonymous 0 Comments

They like running and the wheel allows them to do that in a closed area (though they like using them even in open areas). Simply put: they find the activity enjoyable. And it only takes once for them to get on one and see how it works, then they’ve learned they can use it for that purpose.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rodents like to run to exercise themself and are smarter than people give them credit for. They realise the wheel is, to them, a way of infinitely running, and so they use that since it’s easier than doing laps around their cage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rodents are very curious and very playful, some individuals won’t enjoy or won’t get it, while others will have a ball. For learning it it’s probably not one single thing for every individual, some probably figure it out on their own, others probably watch others using it. And we know that rats communicate with a wide range of ultrasonic vocalisations (which we are currently trying to translate using DeepSqueak) so there’s also just the chance that they tell each other.

PSA: be careful with wheels, you either need a much larger wheel than you think or preferably a flat disk that spins like a carrousel, because if their back curves in the wheel it’s damaging their spine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They like to run. Scientists have put wheels by natural mouse paths and the wild mice will hop on for a spin. Not a great use of their energy from a natural selection viewpoint, but maybe it helps them cope with the kids when they get home.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As far as hamsters go, as I’ve only done research on hamsters as a hamster owner, their heart rate is extremely high, and they are therefore very energetic. Their energy is also fortified from the availability of easily accessible sugars and other foods that we give them through treats etc. So rodents would usually run around to burn off energy, like how some human children will bounce off walls when given too many energy drinks and candy. Having said that, a wheel is a nonstop way to keep running/playing as opposed to doing laps in a cage/enclosure.