Why do scientists say that there’s a huge possibility that intelligent life exists outside our planet?


What made them say that? Where was the probability from?

In: Mathematics

7 Answers

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Google the “Fermi Paradox” (or better search it on youtube)

We know that life can evolve on at least one planet, we know that there are other planets and there is nothing unique about earth(not like every plabet is like earth, but there surely are some that are similar enough)

So we can estimate how many stars there are. An average star has x planets around it and every one in a million might have good conditions to evolve life. So you can shoe that there should be not only some places where life could evolve but if you add in the age of the universe there should be billions ans bilions of times where life has formed.

TLDR: the universe is bigger and older than humans can think of, chances of there being life is just a numbers game.

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